Ohana Batake (お花畑 - A Field of Flowers)

Jul 14, 2018 20:35
"A field of flowers" is translated into Japanese as "hana batake" (花畑) or "ohana batake" (お花畑).

'O' (お) is the polite prefix, 'hana' (花) means 'flower,' and 'batake/hatake' (畑) means 'field.'

This term, "ohana batake," is sometimes used as the following by combining with 'nounai' (脳内 - inside one's brain) or "atama no naka" (頭の中 - inside one's head).

"Ano hito no nounai wa ohana batake da" (あの人の脳内はお花畑だ - Inside of his/her brain is a field of flowers).

Here, this phrase implies that the person is carefree, superficial, or blind.

"A field of flowers" を日本語に訳すと、「花畑」もしくは「お花畑」となります。

「お」は丁寧の接頭辞、「花」は 'flower,' 「畑」は 'field' を意味します。



No. 1 tryceattack's correction
  • "A field of flowers" is translated into Japanese as "hana batake" (花畑) or "ohana batake" (お花畑).
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This term, "ohana batake," is sometimes used as the following by combining with 'nounai' (脳内 - inside one's brain) or "atama no naka" (頭の中 - inside one's head).
  • The term, "ohana batake," is sometimes used as the following by combineding with 'nounai' (脳内 - inside one's brain) or "atama no naka" (頭の中 - inside one's head).
  • "Ano hito no nounai wa ohana batake da" (あの人の脳内はお花畑だ - Inside of his/her brain is a field of flowers).
  • "Ano hito no nounai wa ohana batake da" (あの人の脳内はお花畑だ - Inside of his/her head there is a field of flowers).
Thank you so much for the corrections! :)